Horny manatee?
Here's a joke that got firmly and completely out of hand:
Yes, its a picture from a manatee live webcam. For all those who think that manatees are underappreciated as objects of sexual desire.
Thank God, I'm not one of those people.....
I could tell the complete story of the website that hosts these manatees but I think its much more entertaining if you found out all on your own.
So, here's the first direct link to another website I am giving. Check this and be amazed at mankind's talent for exploiting the stupid and the goofballs:
Oh, and for those wondering what the hell a manatee is:
Yeah, I had no idea what these things were either....
I'm not entirely sure if this is the right conclusion for this article (if you can even call this tripe an article..) but still, 16 million hits can't be wrong so we come to the inevitable closing line.
hornymanatee.com rules!
Back to the world of rules and sucks