I haven't checked my mail in 3 years but hey, give it a shot.
A response to a response. This is getting far to serious. This marks the first
time on sucksornot.info that I’ve written twice about a subject that
wasn’t starship troopers, war of the worlds or Michael Ironside so I
suppose that’s a good thing. Secondly, if this
response doesn’t settle the argument we’re continuing this off the
internet cause its likely to get repetetive.
Lets see, my original article has been died red in your response so I’l mark your reponse blue in order to maintain some semblance of clarity. So: red text : my response to your statement blue text: your response to my response white text: my response to your response to my response. Easy, right?
You’ve stated: First of all, common folks did not very commonly assume that
capitalism was evil. There
were some though, but not as many as you stated. Probably because there
was no good reason to hate it. Yes there was. Factory owners in the
19th century were commonly occupied in exploiting the workers
and making them live in shantytowns. This is tediously well documented in
books from every single town. I bet there is one describing Veghel too but
if there isn’t try reading ‘Helmond: desperate poverty’ (cheerful title
isn't it?) to read about your relatively
close neighbor city. Poverty like described in that one aren’t the
result of crippling income tax or an oppressive government but of really
unpleasant industrialists making people work for virtually no pay. It was
very much modern day slave labor and due to our need for cheap products it
has now moved to China and other Asian countries.
The idea many people had with capitalism was bad but it got worse in the modern day with the internet. People know fully well that capitalism exploits the workers as much as it did in the old days and that's the reason why its so stupidly easy to find pictures denouncing capitalism. I couldn't pick one so I just made a screenshot of the first page:
You'l notice that most of these are cartoons and pictures highlighting capitalism's evil nature. Coincidence? Probably not. You said: Good lord. Are you saying that a system of labor can only be exploited by evil men if its socialistic or communistic? I'm fairly confident that even the factory owners from 1900 would snort at that from under their huge moustached while sipping their sherry. As the people from Helmond will tell you, the people did not often get to choose what job they wanted to do. It was simply a matter of survival for them and their families. Saying that a man could just stop working if he didn't like the job is like saying he can stop eating or stop paying his rent. The people needed money and to get it they needed their jobs. If they complained about conditions they were fired and they'd have no work and no money. This happened. Unions got quashed, people got mass fired. Due to improved agricultural means less people were needed to work the fields so a great many people went to the cities. There were plenty of workers to choose from. Those who complained got fired and yes, some of those starved to death, It happened. Its interesting that you brought up healthcare as the idea of a health program came from the government and is still closely monitored by the government. You might know that its getting increasingly expensive now and that's due to privatisation. No points for capitalism there. You said: “At the period from the eighteenth century, the commercial stage of
capitalism originated from the start of the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company. These
companies were characterized by theircolonial and expansionary powers given to them by
nation-states. What do you suppose companies do when a nation-state tells
them to do anything to make a profit? Its called colonialism and its a surpridingly kind word for
what is in essence countries and companies under them looking for profit
in land that doesn't belong to them and murdering the shit out of any
locals that don't agree with all their stuff being stolen. This is
capitalism in its crudest form. making a profit over the backs of anyone
who happens to be there. Yup, it’s true. This was a terrible event
in history. It wasn’t the idea of capitalism that made this happen, it was
because of insane politicians that made theft and murder legal, and had
nothing to do with a free capitalistic society, so you’re argument
doesn’t apply.
“Ok, so there have been no capitalism firing squads and that's
mostly because capitalism doesn't represent a geo-political whole and as
such no fixed spheres of influence. Its an economic system and even
communist China has seen the benefits and has delved in. Firing squads
usually belong to oppressive political regimes which can adhere to fascism
(popular in the thirties of last centiry), communism (still popular in
N-Korea), socialists, bolsjewists (why not..), fundamentalists of any
religion, maoists, and every flavour of nationalists. Capitalism as such
is hard to define politically. Mostly, capitalist countries are
democracies although China is busy flounting that in our face. There is
even a theory that capitalist, democratic states never go to war with each other although that could just be
coincidence. Capitalism doesn't kill by firing squad or gass chamber. It
kills by exploiting the workers and neglecting their needs for as long and cheaply as possible
before someone stops it. During the construction of Hoover dam,
laborers at the Dam had no voice in the settling of wages, hours of labor, working conditions,
safety or living conditions. It was appalling. Why could this happen?
There was noone to check if conditions where right. There was no strong
government organ to monitor conditions. The dam was important for America
and so Frank Crowe, lead man of the project, got to do what he wanted and
if dozens of people had to die due to poor conditions, then so be it. The
essence of the capitalistic mind.” But lets see if I get the argument right. Trade makes world peace, right? Despite that video being 27 minutes long, I watched it. Mostly because Penn and Teller are enormously humourous and naturally they make a good point. Sadly, its not entirely true. France and England went to war for many reasons. Its really to long and complicated to go into here so I'm gonna have to refer you to a very comprehensive wikipedia article regarding the many wars of england and France both as belligerents and allies. In between and even during many of these wars trade merrily continued. Notable exception was of course the infamous continental system of Napoleon where trade was suspended. Nevertheless, A lack of trade was in 800 years of history never considered a good enough reason to make permanent peace. A rise of Russia and Germany as new powerful enemies was. The war of the Crimea was where France and England permanently sealed an alliance of sorts to stand up to a common enemy. Not because France wanted its tea.On the subject of Hoover dam, Okay, then why did the people start working there? They needed money and the construction of the Hoover Dam could provide them with it. People still die these day at construction sites, even though there is a high safety standard. Listen, I’m absolutely not saying that it’s a good thing people die, but in order to increase wealth and the standard of living for the people, these jobs need to be done. You don’t want to work a dangerous job? Then don’t. Again, they mostly had little choice. They needed money to survive and Hoover dam was one of the very few large building projects in the country in a time of great crisis. That was why Frank Crowe could exploit his workers as he did. If they didn't like it, he fired them and he could get others.
“Nothing has really changed. Capitalism still thrives on
exploiting people, governments and resources and there is no alternative.
Communism hasn't worked out and anarchism is so stupid we might as well
all start praying to the machine god for our baked toast each
morning. Is unbridled capitalism the answer to modern day problems, like I understand you believe, brother of Michiel? No, it isn't. Really, it isn't. Remember the child laws that protected children from manual labour in factories? Government. There are many such examples. The government in a democratic country is chosen by the people and in order for it to be re chosen it has to do something for the people, have their interests at heart. Corporations and companies don't aswer to anyone but their stock holders and so making a profit tops everything. Look, I'm no big fan of the government either. They never get everything right but unbridled capitalism is an infinetely worse idea. People only out to make profit will not look to your interests. We see plenty of examples here in the Netherlands. Gas prizes have never been higher due to speculation of stock brokers. Public transport has taken a huge downward step since it was privatized and gotten a lot more expensive. The Dutch railway system is run by the NS, which might be an abreviation for Neverending Sorrow. Due to privatizations it is now more expensive then ever before to heat up your house and electricity is now so expensive it might be cheaper to just pay 5 Polish dudes to walk continuously in a treadmill to generate the stuff.” Haha, okay I’l be honest, you did made me
laugh about Anarchism! So true! If van Houten hadn't proposed his child law in 1874 child labour would have continued well into the 19th century. There was a massive protest from factory owners who had blocked the law for several years through their influence in parliament back then. The metaphor is catching, if again somewhat oversimplistic. Sadly, the view at the top can be seen by a ridiculously small number of people and the skyscraper probably has a very tiny observation deck. The bottom floor however must be enormous to accomodate the milling masses.
Your brother lost his job due to capitalism. Its an understandeable system but tough as hell. The govenment has made sure he now gets money in order to not go broke and be forced to live under a bridge (although that might be an improvement over the house he now occupies.... OOOOO BURN!)
Good, I hate big government too! Yep, you’ve said it! They never get anything right! SO GIVING THEM HALF OF YOUR INCOME IS A BAD IDEA!! This argument appears to be just incoherent shouting so I'm not entirely sure how to respond. One response might be that you're exaggerating. Yes, we pay taxes. Like I said in my original response, I like to drive along paved highways. Also, you appear to completely ignore my argument about the hugely increased costs in areas of living that were privatised like public transport.
I just can’t believe you just fucking said that, after you said they don’t get anything right. Well, I did. I hope I didn't shock you too badly.
Also, I said : they don't get everything right. Not, not anything right.
There's a big difference.
“I've watched Tea party video's and Sarah Palin interviews and
unlike most of Ron Paul's followers I've read some of his 'issues' on his
website. There is no easy answer. The government is necessary. It keeps a
check on capitalism and capitalism provides us with wealth. Smaller
government means more liberalism for the big companies and they use that
freedom to make money. Over your back. Just look at
the crisis of 2008. Car companies sucked at making money because most of
the profit didn't go to developing new products but to already obscenely
rich managers and stock brokers. Give the government the power to do
something about this. A strong government keeps capitalism in check. This
is absolutely a necessary evil.” I myself am not a big fan of the Tea-party because of their extreme conservative and anti-liberal way of thinking. I’m more of a Ron Paul guy. Ron Paul is also the man who proposed allowing everyone onboard airplanes to carry guns. If that doesn't strike you as being slightly nuts then I don't know what does. Even if the passengers want to defend themselves against terrorists, is that what we want onboard a plane? A gunbattle? Seeing as I don't know what you're implying by saying you're a Ron Paul guy I can't really go into it. Seeing as I'm not tired of typing at all, I'l make another argument. The financial crisis was caused by banks giving loans to people who couldn't afford it. People couldn't pay their mortgage and this impacted on the whole house market. From there it snowballed. It had absolutely nothing to do with the non-economical socialistic ideas of any government and seeing as you're not explaining yourself I don't even know what it is you refer to. Here's a video explaining the real cause in visual detail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Ns4ltUvfw
In conclusion: Yes it did. And thank you. To show just how good a historian I can be here's another argument. Government frequently protected the factory owners because they generated wealth for the state. I never said that that was a bad thing. My argument is that it was done over the backs of the workers. Anger over this blatant exploitation resulated in many riots, acts of protests and even acts of sabotage. The very word sabotage comes from angry French factory workers tossing their wooden shoes (or sabots) into the delicate workings of the machine to disable it. The so called 'machine breakers' were harshly prosecuted even though they only protesting the bad exploitation and bad conditions they were forced to live in. No, they couldn't just leave because they needed money for food. Exploitation of the workers was and is a real thing. Capitalism is both the cause of our great wealth and the cause of much injustice and downright evil in the world and many, many people died because of it. Is there an alternative? Not really. We wouldn't want to have it any other way. What capitalism does need is a government elected by the people to keep an eye on it. And finally, If you're interested, this book makes the point that unchecked 19th century capitalism can even be held accountable for the outbreak of the first world war.
Sources: Helmond: armoej troef (meerdere auteurs) Wereld politiek JH Leurdijk The guns of august, Barbara Tuchman http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultuurstelsel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_England_and_France http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Ns4ltUvfw http://alexandria.tue.nl/repository/books/538753.pdf
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